Saturday, June 17, 2006

Great Job!

June 16, 2006

Alycia and I were honored to be invited to Kiev and Venus' graduation at the Santa Anita Racetrack on June 16, 2006. With flowers in our hands and great excitement, we got to the graduation, following Venus' directions to sit where I thought she said she would be. To our SHOCK, there were 600 or so graduates were way down in the field while we were way UP there at the grandstand. They looked like just a tad bigger than ants!! We could hardly make out who's who. We kept looking for Venus. Of course, since it's been quite a few moons since we graduated, we totally forgot to make a plan to meet up with Kiev and Venus, and we didn't think to bring anyone's cellphone numbers. No luck as we strain our ears to hear the 4 announcers zipping through the names on the list simultaneously. So I started just taking random pictures, hoping that I can use the 12x zoom on my camera to start looking for Venus. Finally, we gave up. The next day, Kanny pointed out that we were actually sitting where Kiev was, and there he is in one of my random pictures! Sorry Venus! Congratulations to Kiev and Venus for being Gold Seal Graduates! Now we know, we'll be better next year for Kanny and Adam's graduation.